Why do you need a consultant?

You heard the saying “that behind every great man”……Well we believe that behind every great politician is someone who can take care of the details.

At MPAC Group & Associates, LLC. we want you to go out and meet people in a grassroots manner.

You really do not need to worry about your signs, walk lists or a solid message on where you stand on the issues when it pertains to connecting with your supporters.

Let us do all the worrying, while you maximize your image and message.

GEO Political


We bring winning styles of campaigning and solid references from across the globe.​

From America to Africa

What is GEO Political campaigning? Geo political campaigning is defined as the study of how political power is reinforced or undermined by geographical arrangements (boundaries, coalitions, spatial networks, natural resources, etc.). In laymen’s term I called it a new form of political schemata or reaching constituent worldwide through conservative relationship with GOD, country, family and freedom from government.

What relevance and experience does GP bring to the table for a potential candidate? Texas, if not America is changing. You want someone who is experience in building coalitions through great data and relationships.

What services or focuses do we offer when running a GP? Great data and results. Hire us and we will be providing exceptional service, passion and a commitment to winning.


Grassroots Movement


We value grassroots efforts which promotes your campaign message and blend this concept with the latest technology.

Grassroots volunteers are the lifeblood of our business

What is grassroots campaigning and why is it important? The classical definition is ordinary people regarded as the main body of an organization's membership. Why is it important? Because people have the ability to make a difference if they understand the power of politics infused by passioned. They would be unstoppable.

What constitutes a grassroots campaign, and how is the community, and our partners involved in that? An ordinary citizen who become extraordinary to make differences within their government is by its definition a grassroot campaign.

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.”

– Mark Twain